Getting creative at Gender Reveal Parties
Do you have a little one on the way and just want to tell your friends whether to buy blue or pink presents? Do you know of a friend who loves creativity and wants to plan a baby shower? Well, if you do, why not try livening up the space with a few of these great gender reveal party tips:
Number One: it’s all about setting the tone
When you receive an invitation to an event, you get a feel of how it’s going to be just by looking at the card.
Well, the same is true for gender reveal parties! Go for a He or She Bows or Bow Ties cards that will just make everyone want to show up.
If you feel like getting a little funky, cake your whole house in He or She banners, throw in a few props and some He or She Bows or Bow Ties cakes for good measure!
Two, get creative with the day
Okay, so everyone has shown up, and nobody can wait for the big reveal. Want to build up some tension and good ol’ liveliness? Spruce up your day with fun activities that will keep your guests on their toes. You can try clue games to keep them guessing.
There’s nothing like a He said She said game to keep up the good mood. And just to prolong that uncertainty a bit longer why don't your guests take a vote?
And then when it’s time to tell all, go all out- sprinkle pink or blue confetti all over your house, cut that gender-color-based cake everyone’s been staring at, hit that piñata at full swing or better yet, why not release those balloons that were hiding in a box?
Photo credits to:, & Oriental Trading Company